Panoramic Shot of Gwynant Lake

Gwynant Lake is just south of Snowdon, the largest mountain in Wales :)

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>>19659 Film is a very rare commodity these days!


I still have a little Cannon Elf (about 15 yrs old) that could produce a 3 1/2 X 11 picture. I don't know if I can still buy film, batteries or whether the stores even accept the roll any more. Digital has taken over and film developers are going out of business.


>>19636 That seems to be the real advantage for this method.

>>19647 Might be a bit trickier under water!


My SeaLife camera has a panoramic setting on it! I tried it out only once! It turned out pretty good!


so as long as you hold the camera level on your "swipe", you avoid barrel effect on the image? I'm really impressed by this.

my small camera will allow me to stitch multiple shots together in a pano, but the result is nothing like what you've produced here! though, it could be user error here..