Walken, Chicken, Pears

So this cooking tutorial with Christopher Walken has been around for some time, but I've never seen it, nor heard of this approach to roasting a chicken. What about you?

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married, no children (cause of career)


>>19498 I wasn't looking that close and the age of the kitchen, until you mentioned it, but it could be older than that. Note: very old single element electric oven (needs cleaning) that's rusted on the outside bottom of the door; overlay style western hinges on cabinet doors; ceramic round knobs; delta 'lift-style' faucet; counter top (1/4 inch corian I think). My question...if he's married, why doesn't the wife demand a new kitchen? Don't think the guy's poor or anything.


>>19487 I don't think the pear does anything to the chicken. It's simply a complement on the plate. Like mashed potatoes. But I too was struck by the humble kitchen. How old is that sink? Looks like it's from the 1970's!!

Nevertheless, I did order a beer-can chicken roaster on Amazon for under 8 bucks. I have to try this technique. :)


the man..does talk...with a lot...of pauses.


No. I haven't. What does the pear do to the chicken, if anything? Is it eaten with the chicken or does it flavor it by being in the same oven? Do admire Walken's simple kitchen; nothing fancy or expensive. Looks just like a middle class person's kitchen.

