Building the USS Macon Airship
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You, my man, win the golden cupie doll! I never knew about mercury in them untill the story I told you hit the front page. Navy was pissed they forgot the tanks were there. Developer wasn't. Now there's just one more puzzle to solve and it't the redwoods of California.


I didn't look it up, I just suddenly remembered something about it, due to the clues!


No Mr. Grim..tell you guys a little story. Might help you. There was an old blimp base just outside Galveston, TX. The blimps flew over the Gulf of Mexico looking for German subs. In the early 60's the base was scraped and the land sold to a housing developer. The price was 1 million dollars. Later, the developer was digging up old slab work and hit a tank below the ground. It was stored underground for the blimps. Net worth of contents...2 million dollars. You may or may not be surprised as to what was in those tanks.


First thought was diesel and/or oil, I know the Hindenburg had diesel?


Water is all I've ever heard of! If you watch the Hindenburg video, you see them dumping water from the bow!
The only other thing would be light oil! Thick oil wouldn't transfer fast enough!


No...heavier than water...very expensive...used in WW1 & WW2. If you've ever seen one of those wave machines...that's the device they used to contain the liquid. It went up and down on a central axis. Guess again....


>>19365 Of course I do!
>>19347 They used water for ballast! Dumping it forward or aft as needed! ;)


Well, I didn't know that but do you know the answer to my question?


>>19361 That's because the United States was the only country that manufactured Helium!
And we wouldn't sell any to the Germans!


Don't know what they use today but this was used WW1 and WW2. I think the Germans were the only ones to use hydrogen while all the rest used helium. Yes this WAS a liquid and levered back and forth. More guessing...


don't they use 2 or more tanks to hold whatever they use (helium nowadays)? More gas to the back for diving, more to the front for lift


You wouldn't get me on the first rung off the bed of the wagon. Quite a feat!
Here's a trivia question for ya....What did they use inside the blimp (besides motors) that helped the nose turn up and down?


Wow!! I want a ladder on wheels!! ;)