Sidekickin' it

Can you name them all?

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Well, the whole show is kinda crappy but we (I) love it anyway.

And who did they missed? ;)


>>17841 You got that right with the "Towlie" thing!

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1. Who's sitting between to George Costanza and Chong? - Cameron was Ferris Beuler's friend in the movie Ferris Beuler's Day Off. It was Cameron's father's Ferrari Spyder that they drove around Chicago in and ultimately trashed.

2. The pingpong dude next to Luigi? - Fogell aka McLovin from the movie Superbad.

3. And what's up with the poster? - I ignored the poster as it had Chuck Norris on it. The movie was "Sidekicks".

Also, Towlie wasn't really a sidekick to anyone, he was just an attempt to see how crappy of a character they could come up with and still break big with merchandising.

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Still got 3 questions:
1. Who's sitting between to George Costanza and Chong?
2. The pingpong dude next to Luigi?
3. And what's up with the poster?


Damn! Didn't get here soon enough!
And who says Chong was the sidekick!?!?


Damn, Oldballs! You do know your trivia.

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Shortround, sidekick to Indiana Jones
Milhouse Van Houten, sidekick to Bart Simpsons
Patrick Star, sidekick to Spongebob
Snuffleupagus, sidekick to Big Bird
Silent Bob, sidekick to Jay
Fonzi, sidekick to the Cunninghams (btw, Fonzi is nobody's sidekick)
Paul Shaffer, sidekick to David Letterman
Samwise Gamgee, sidekick to Frodo Baggins
Ron Weasley, sidekick to Harry Potter
Garth, sidekick to Wayne
Brian, sidekick to Stewie/Peter
Spock, sidekick to Captain James Tiberious Kirk
Barney Rubble, sidekick to Fred Flintstone
Booboo, sidekick to Yogi Bear
Tails, sidekick to Sonic the Hedgehog
Dwight Shrute, sidekick to Michael Scott
Pedro, sidekick to Napoleon Dynamite
Bert, sidekick to Ernie
McLovin aka Fogell, sidekick to Evan
Luigi, sidekick to Mario
Al Borland, sidekick to Tim "The Toolman" Taylor
George Costanza, sidekick to Jerry Seinfeld
Chong, sidekick to Cheech
Towelie, sidekick to Eric Cartman and Friends
R2D2, sidekick to Luke Skywalker
Walter Sobchak (STF Donnie!), sidekick to The Dude
Stimpy, sidekick to Ren
Pumba, sidekick to Timon
Robin, sidekick to Batman
Cameron, sidekick to Ferris Beuler
Chewbacca, sidekick to Han Solo


only 4 I don't know