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nice story, goodgrief.


I'll titilate your earlobes with a little story: I was stationed in Hawaii and went deep sea fishing thru Navy special services (no cost). The day was a washout but we did manage to catch a 'big-gun' surfboard that was floating merrily to South America (about 50 miles off Oahu). We stored it behind the barracks for anyone that wished to use it. One shiny day in November, I decided to hit the 'big' ones on Makaha beach. That is where the world championship surfing events were held. They are also held in November when the largest waves come in. Down to the beach I went. Never been on a board in my life and hit some of the largest waves known to man. Stupid, but I was invincible at 23. Out I paddled, crash went the 40 ft. wave on my skinny body. To the bottom I went (maybe 20-25 ft.) and my head was driven into the sand with such force I had in instant headache. Undertow started pulling me out with such force I couldn't surface. I knew there were rocks to my right side and swam under water until I got close so I could surface. Don't know how I made it. Never again. My board was waiting on the beach when I got back.




WoW! great shot.


I have always wanted to surf! If I had just taken that job in Hawaii back in 1984, I probably would be!