Dutch girl sails the world

Your thoughts, Grim?

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Maybe she'll end up here!


You know what they say about female sailors... They'll take what they can get in every port! ;P


arrrrr! Just as long as you stay in international waters


Correct me if i'm wrong, but she would be legal on the seas, right? Yesr!!


Not sure about the first part, vis, she ain't American. I'm pretty sure foreigners have to be 21yo (insurance wise).

GG, most 15/16 think they can take on the world. Luckily most parents are still wise enough 2 act up.

Laura was supposed to study on the trip, but she said she couldn't: too much work...

If she sinks, she'll meet you, Foxy ;)


She can drive on California freeways in a year. I'd rather be in a boat sailing the world.. less dangerous! ;)


Thought the story was interesting in the news this morning. Some 15 and 16 year olds have a fairly good head on their shoulders and I say encourage them. If the weather's good around the globe this time of year and she's astute at the sailing craft, let her go. She gets to set a record and will kick herself the rest of her life if she didn't try. It's not a big deal to a lot of us but to her it's the biggest adventure of a lifetime.


And then she began to sink! :p

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Brief moment of history:
Laura Dekker wanted to be the youngest person to sail the world, however in the Netherlands you are bound by law to go to school until your 17 or 18 (I forgot).
Lot's of legal mumbo jumbo..bla bla bla. Her parents said yes, state said no. She secretly went anyway.

The big question was: is a 15yo old enough to make their own decisions on such a big event even when the parents agreed? Or should the state intervene and stop such nonsense?

My thoughts are stated below ;)

If she did my port she would smile ;D