
Found this guy upstairs - maybe he climbed, maybe he flew?? Maybe he hopped on Possum and rode her all the way up??? It's the second one I've noticed in the house since we got our tree.. I'm thinking stink bug??

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I don't think that's a stink bug but I could be wrong. I've seen that "shape" of bug before, we have brown ones that blend well against the tree bark but have whiteish coloring on the underside.
Entomology has always fascinated me but I wouldn't be able to get too far....


The two I've seen came with the Christmas tree. :) I put them on the catch and release (outside) program. But I will destroy anymore that I find, or throw them over into my neighbors yard. :)


Pentatomidae. Here they are mostly green but I've seen brown ones too. They are attracted to strange ppl, consider yourself lucky ;)


We call them Shield Bugs. 1 or 2 aren't a problem, but if you find a million of them you may have an issue :)


I've seen both up here! Might be their age too!


Stink bug. Never seen a green one here. Ours are brown. Probably the heat.


Yep! Stink bug! Squish him!