It's SinkHole Time Again!

About three miles from from on the highway, an old deep mine begins to remind everyone it is still there! This happened about forty years ago in almost the same spot!
Last week, my Dad and I felt a small dip in the road! Yesterday, they put signs up to slow people down! Yesterday evening, they closed the highway! This morning, my Dad an I were on the scene to give he DNR on site some info on the deep mine below! The mine was active in 1904!

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>>10685 I see their point also, but they should at least wait until all the sinkholes are repaired! :D


>>10683 unless a buyer paid cash, i don't know a lender who would finance a home with a sink hole. i understand wanting to sell, but yeah.. :D


I saw something really funny! While drivig past the house with the sinking driveway at the dip in the road, there was a new "For Sale" sign in their yard! Bad time to put up a sign! XD


>>10334 I swear! I'll clean up the R/C plane soon, and snap a pic of it! ;D

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>>10329 will you take the plane to work? ;)


>>10326 That's pretty much what they did! :p
They are going to do a complete overhaul there after the holiday! The highway will be closed for about two weeks! That should keep the Brazilites out for awhile! ;)


For a more permament fix they should put a bandaid on it XD

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This is what they replaced the crack, and the buldge with! The dip in the road is still there!
So far, it's holding up!
How dare the Earth prove me wrong!!

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Not yet! But this moring I thought my computer had been! It wouldn't start up, and I couldn't log in!
Here's their quick fix for the fourth of July weekend!


Are you laying on the ground..prepared to get the ground? ;P


have you been sucked into the earth yet, seafox??




>>10278 Not as ageless as you JC! :D
They've done a "temporary fix" to open the road for the holiday weekend, but I think they have made a mistake that could lead to accidents! I took pics today, but I left the camera in my Dads' van!


>>10235 "It was a very different place in 1904!" - Showing your real age SeaFox :P
Fascinating stuff though. I look forward to further updates.


>>10267 a porn flick?


>>10265 That last week when "we drove over a small dip in the road last week , we new that this was going to happen!"
I didn't think it was going to be so soon! I should be in a movie about it! XD


>>10248 in the Brazil Times News!! very cool. what are you quoted as saying?? :D


and the tnt!


LOL! Temors! Whars ma elephant gun!?!

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It will create tourism..think positive!

sinkholes aren't made by collapsing caves or mines, these things make them..bring out your shotgun, Fox!


>>10244 Thanks Vis! Not really after that title! ;D
They can't get a hold of the people living in that house! They may be gone on vacation! What a surprise they will have when they get home! (if it's still there)
So far, the hole has not dropped any further than a foot, since the highway is now closed, and no more impact friction is occuring!
The deep mine was in operation in the 1890'3 to around 1910! This particular spot has a six to nine foot vein of coal that was removed, and is about 95 feet below!
It's my opinion, (and my dad's) that it's not done falling just yet!
My Dad and I made the Brazil Times newspaper (a smaller town to the east about 7 miles) this morning due to the small interview I had yesterday! :D
I have not been out there today to see if anything else has happened!
Also I found out, that our airport (about four miles to the southwest) is having a similar problem with the main runway at this time! That runway is closed because they a repairing the sinkhole there! :S
The whole city could just vanish anytime now! :D


>>10244 it's wet. it's a wet crack, and very deep


i vote for seafox to be "Merlin's Bar's Official Sink Hole Reporter of the Year!" great coverage here! :D

incredible the pace at which this thing is opening. did they evacuate the house? how much further will this crack open? how deep do you say the hole is? what more can you tell us about the mine?

fascinating topic..


>>10235 our complete government is useless. We have departments for pretty much anything, so I'll bet we have that too

>>10233 My cousin lives in the Bijlmer, can't go any worse then that ;)


>>10229 I thought I had better tell you guys what DNR was! They are mostly useless! You probably don't have that kind of government branch over there!
>>10233 This is actually about 700 feet from the county line! And six miles out of town! It was a very different place in 1904!


Damn nice neighborhood.... i live in da projects and rather have sink holes than gun shots at night and rapings in the morn.


cool! here in Limburg we had mines too, they were shut down in the 60's. However I haven't seen any sinkholes or stuff like that shit. Finally something happens, so I guess building a bunker in the backyard is not allowed (before you know it you're in the mine ;)

I'm glad you pointed out what the DNR stood for, I was worried for a minute

>>10228 BIGFOOT, bring out the shotgun!

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The road this morning! (my foot for scale)

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This drive way was not like this yesterday evening!
There's my Dad showing the DNR (dept. of natural resources) an old mine map!

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There is a fault line looking drop in their yard! (marked by the red line)

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Notice the drop in the drive, and the surrounding yard!

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And here is the house across the roads' driveway! :S


Wow! I would not want to own that house across the road.

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It's opening even more now! I have pics from this morning, but right now I'm going back out to check on the progress of this mess!

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Pulling and stretching!