who's porch is this?

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My first impression was from "To Kill a Mockingbird" but then had a flashback from the view which Martin Balsamm had when he approached the house. The answer kinda fell outta the sky. I never visited the back lot of Paramount but understood it's still there as a tourist attraction. Hitchcock had a unique way of filming. Guess it made an impression on me which he labored to acheive.


goodgrief - i'm building a 3d model of the house on the hill and needed to reference "psycho" quite a bit. came across this shot in the film. seems a pleasant place from this angle! don't wander upstairs though! ;)

how did you come to guess psycho?

skywraith - good guess but no cigar for you this time! :)


Norman Bates? (Psycho)


Reminds me of It's a Wonderful Life tho.


not mine