lego man in blender

this was a generic lego man model that someone made and offered for free to anyone. as i've always wanted to do some lego movie posters, i snatched it up and started creating this costume/character

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>>9772 not sure if i would go that far and do merlin's bar characters. but i thought about it. it's a lot of work.

the "red fox" should be finished soon. the animation is complete but lots of adjustments are needed.

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woops..did Harri forgot to shave?

that haircut and that arm up in the air >>9735
I'm so sorry but I just had to do it

Funny model btw, Can we expect our Merlin's Bar characters any time soon?

And what about that red Fox(?) ?


ftcyp - luckily for me, it came fully rigged. i would have preferred a little more control of the rig movements, but i'm happy with it overall! the best thing is i can make any character with this one model.

seafox - the star wars games are great fun. also indiana jones. batman is a strange one. pirates seems pretty cool so far.

jesuschrist - i like han and indy the best. so any lego harrison ford character is a winner! maybe i'll do harrison ford lego man in amish country and see how it looks! ;)


Was it already rigged or did you rig it yourself?
Top texturing work man!


Pretty cool! My XBox 360 has a demo star wars lego game in it! Almost makes me want to get the game!


Best Lego character ever! :D

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no hair or hat comes with this model. nor accessories. so i have to create those too.

just get started and there's more work to do, but this thing is pretty cool to play with! like being a kid again!! ;)

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i had to UV map each piece of the model so i could make the costume. this is a random pose.