Remember her singing "Queen of the lesbians"?
>>8399 oh yeah! Now I know why I forgot her ;)
>>8408 I'm not sure, but I think it was a four year old singing her first song!
>>8399 WTF did I just watch!?!?!?! XD
>>8397 guilty, as usual! but 8 months later, she is still on sideways' mind! what's the real story here? ;)
You had me thinking I imagined it for a while.
>>8392 I did?
Grimmy (I think) posted her video some time ago, I just found out a bit more about her last night.
ok.. i checked her out.. she's got a sweet little body and a decent voice. she likes to say vagina and lesbian a lot in her songs. no idea who or what she's talking about :)
no clue who she is.. should i know??
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