Rick's free throw


the full story is on my site http://catheads.net, but the quickie is i hand-drew over 1,000 frames back around 1993 and never compiled them. I started to compile them, and recreate them in CG. So which do you prefer?

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>>7376 thanks, jesus :)


>>7366 i would use those heads as the reference, but i still have to model them in 3d. i'll think about it. ;)


Awesome, I like them both equally


>>7359 pfff, even the teeth?!


use the heads you made for the 'Our Bar' theme ;D


but yes, for a dogfight, i'd have to model all four of us characters, and then at least one plane/jet, decorate it appropriately and then animate. that would take some time, but would be fun! :)

(28.8 Kb, 600x340)

i assume what that is is a wireframe view of a modeled mesh. that mesh is created from scratch by someone.

this is the wire frame view of my modeled alien, which i modeled from a sphere object. i then have to rig it with an armature and then i can animate it within the software. i can export the entire animation as individual png's, or as a compiled avi movie.

here's a break down of the process minus the actual modeling part. the pictures will tell the story. :)

(27.4 Kb, 400x400)

something like this

you know, for ze planes!


>>7351 not sure what you mean. for the 3d stuff? everything is modeled from scratch, either from a cube or a sphere.


btw, vis, do you make wire frames first?
then take photo's of objects and scan them in?


>>7339 Ooooo! That gives me ideas for you! :D


well, there's enough material on youtube.

If you ever make such an animation, it will be an instant win! :D


the other thing i always wanted to create was a dogfight between grim, seafox, jesuschrist and myself.. just like the old days! THAT would be fun, but a massive undertaking..


grim, this was done on purpose, this way, so i could focus on the visuals and compare the two. the completed 3d project will have sound! :)


thanks guys!

skywraith, i love modeling in 3d and animating. there are so many stories i want to tell, it's hard to stick to one and get anything accomplished!!


Pity it doesn't have music


Oh, and either way it's pretty damn awesome.
I knew you were into animation a bit (from when I visited your website) but didn't know you dabbled a bit yourself! Right on Vis....


I agree with Foxsea there.
They both definitely have their appeal but I'm always going to be fond of 2D.


Rick has improved with age! Great work! In both decades! ;D


thanks, grim!

it's his tongue.. in the old version. i didn't include a tongue in the cg version because it was going to be a pain in the ass to do so, for only about 5-6 frames. however, i may add it later.

also, both animations play a little too fast, for my tastes, so i will adjust that too.

i am partial to the 3d version as well :)


Did I see blood in the old skool version?

Both have class and it was difficult choice but the judges have gone for the 3d version. Bravo!