Lamp bust?

My battery powered mechanical lamp is bust. One of the conductive plating is corroded. I was wondering if I can replace it with flimsy (bare) steel and a coil from a pen soldered on the wire?

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That should work well. If however you aren't happy with the result you can but packs of connectors on amazon, but it's hard to find ones the right size. I ended up having to go that route when repairing a RC car transmitter. There was a lot of grinding with the dremel to get then to fit :D

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I gave it a nice warm vinegar bath, and a sandpaper massage. Still need to rub some WD40 on it, and solder the wire.


The easiest thing to do is clean up the corrosion with some sandpaper or other abrasive and then rub a little oil on it to help stop it corroding again. If it happens again just repeat the process.

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The LED lamp inners

It feels like such a waste and yet a relative easy fix.

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The corroded piece. Is it fixable (maybe through some kind of anti-corrosion bath)? Or should I try and build it myself? Or just buy I completely new lamp?