Still doing the dog thing


Looking for a foster for the first dog in my very own rescue... too bad you guys aren't closer :D I'd be begging you to take care of my bitches.

This gal is a sweetie though, and stuck in a shelter that uses heartsticking (a very inhumane way of killing animals... it can't be called euthanasia).. English Bulldog Australian Cattle dog mix... how fun! Unfortunately, because she "looks" like a pit bull (I don't really see it--- the mix is obvious)she is subject to breed specific legislation in Ohio. Anyways... wish me luck and help me think of a name for my rescue!

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I would gladly take one of your bitches ;)

Bark 'n' Found


>>2449 I like the last one! :D
WOT, If I were closer, you would probably convince me to take them! The real trick would be to convince Jupiter & Venus that they're getting new friends!


great work, wot, as usual! these dogs are extremely lucky!!

"WOT's Dogs n' More"
"Rescue Hound"
"St. Bernards Rescue Shelter" (is taken, a pity)
"Le Mutt Rescue"
"World Of Tomorrow"
"Cats are not our thing Rescue Service"