movin' out

it's official.

my dentist says three of my wisdom teeth have cavities and they should be pulled. this is going to suck!! :(

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I had to have mine removed very early...

drugs. get em!


Yes, that cracking noise makes you want to cry! :S


this is all good information.

i had a third molar pulled about 7 years ago and it was a horribly traumatic situation. i am not such a big baby, but watching someone put pliers in my mouth, crack my tooth to bits and yank it out was one of the worst moments i've ever experienced.. and now i have to go do it again three more times??


I had a couple of wisdom teeth removed a few years ago. The injections for the painkiller weren't pleasant but the rest was nothing to worry about. I was fine a few hours later. Someone else having the same thing as me that day went for the full anaesthetic and regretted it afterwards as they felt sick for hours.


Just one! Because it died!


I had mine pulled a few years ago. It didn't really hurt. It just felt like a lot of pressure. The soreness after was worse than the procedure.


3 wisdom, 1 first premolar and 1 lateral incisor


were those wisdom teeth, grim?

anyone else have their wisdom teeth pulled? :)


I got 5 teeth pulled, couldn't eat solid food for weeks. (dentist office was close to German border ;)


I'll do it!


I had three out in one hit nearly twenty years ago, wasn't too bad as far as I recall. They did an apicectomy (no it's not in the trouser department!) at the same time. Just left me with a stiff jaw for a few days.


my dentist is asian. does an excellent job, too! but he does not extract teeth - he would send me to a specialist. sounds german to me ;)


It your dentist a German?