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start the dial-up!

I could hack my neighbor and let him believe it came from a computer in Texas.
But I guess the FBI has got some experienced stuff and people, and they can figure it out.

I still believe it was North-Korea.


Read on the news this morning there are those who think this hack originated in Bangkok. If this is true, the FBI has egg on their face.


The FBI could still tell what country the hacker lived in, couldn't they?
The way companies are getting hacked these days, employees will be required to sign an "anti-hack" clause ("We're not responsible and you can't sue us if we're hacked").


Yes, if you hack into someones computer you leave behind some data. However they are smart(?), so they most likely used a throwaway and a bot network (infected PC's). In other word: they know their shit. Sony is lame though..makes me wonder how some other businesses have their shit locked. I also wonder how many employees will sue Sony


Our FBI says N.Korea hacked into Sony.
N.Korea says it's not responsible.
Don't computers leave a footprint?
Is it possible to hack a company's computer without a trace?