50 United States redrawn

this is interesting..

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also get rid of the lobbyist; if I'm not allowed to take a bribe neither should the politician!


We have a saying here. "Don't Mess With Texas". Simplest thing...do away with the electorial college altogether, no fewer than 25 people on any ticket could run and the lobby would run out of money trying to buy votes for big business.


:/ Just change the electoral college.


The fundamental problem of the electoral college is that the states of the United States are too disparate in size and influence. The largest state is 66 times as populous as the smallest and has 18 times as many electoral votes. This allows for Electoral College results that don't match the popular vote. To remedy this issue, the Electoral Reform Map redivides the fifty United States into 50 states of equal population. The 2010 Census records a population of 308,745,538 for the United States, which this map divides into 50 states, each with a population of about 6,175,000.

more here http://fakeisthenewreal.org/reform/