There's fault lines running the full length of our country on BOTH coasts. Bad fault lines. The south coast is plagued by hurricanes. For all of us to move from harms way, we'd move inland to the plains states. There's tornadoes there and lots of them. We're screwed no matter where we live except for a few states. So! I don't have a good answer. We could but we'd be living in Arizona, Nevada and a few others that have no water.
Maybe we have no choice. Can you imagine the whole state of California not having anything. They're due to slide into the Pacific. They'd have to relocate Disneyland and that would be a real disaster.
Dude, I'm amazed by all popularized areas where nature disaster happens; earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc
It destroys their homes yet people still return and rebuild it :/