
Whoever dares to stand there, wins


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Off hand I would say the water just above Holland would be the roughest year round. North Sea in the winter is one tough cookie. The waters between South America and Antartica, during the winter, have sunk many a craft. When I was in the Navy I don't think they'd heard of chili con car'ne yet. The tables on the mess deck had metal lips on the edges to keep the metal trays from sliding off. You had to hold your cup in one hand and eat with the other.


Yeah, that would be tough. So which of the 7 seas was the roughest? I'll bet the Atlantic, right?

btw, Did you ever eat chilli con carne on board? ;)


I only remember rough seas like that one time. The general order of the day was "no hands on deck". Water like that really made it tough on the cooks.