Happy Holidays Merlin!!

And everybody else!!!

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See what I can do. Stupid observance I have at the grocery around the holidays but I always look at other people's baskets. Sho nuff on top of all that food is a giant economy pack of toilet paper....they know what's coming...or should I say leaving. Water bills are high in November and December and one can't find a plunger anywhere.


Funny you should say that, Goodgrief, as I am about to use the facilities here at the office then head home and start cooking up a few treats!

I hope you can post pictures of whatever you make! :) I love seeing what other people prepare for the holidays.


I'm making glazed ham, mashed spuds with gravy, butter cake and fudge. All's going to a get-together with friends (about 40). It's a pot-luck day. A person would be smart to buy stock in toilet paper companiies around the holidays.