My grandomther moved to the U.S. from Slovakia (then Czechoslovakia) in 1930. This whole side of the family are descended from her and my Great grandmother. We started getting Slovakia hoodies for family members 2 years back. Hopefully if we keep adding a few hoodies into the mix each year by the year the police show up to the party we resemble some kind of cult. Pretty amazing that a plant that makes you kind of silly and really enjoy snacks is illegal.
Always good to have an uncle that's a lawyer. Drugs should be legalized by the way. So what's with all the Slovakia sweat shirts? Cops didn't keep your shirts did they?
So my little stoner cousin was pulled over on her way to the big celebration. The car was impounded, searched and they were processed all over 2 grams of pot. Fortunately her father is quite the scumbag lawyer. When all was said and done there illegal search and just poor police work resulted in me have to go pick up the car, all charges dropped ,,even the speeding ticket.
This is the once a year everybody drives in from all around the North East Thanksgiving party. We generally drink way to much. This year some guns made it into the mix. I knew of a mounted head I could score to make the shooting even more ridicules. I'm the guy ducking away from the gun by the way. --------------This year we had our first arrest. But the charges were ALL DROPPED! YEA!