the annual census bureau report reflected the nation lost ground on income, poverty and access to health care during nightmare years of bush43:
"On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office =
-the median household income declined (by 4.2%)
-poverty increased (to 39.8 million)
-childhood poverty increased even more (to 14.1 million)
-and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked (to 46.3 million)"
if the republican party is still around by 2012, i'll be surprised.
i have this debate all the time with the CONservative right wingnutjobs and they always seem to miss this point. it's fairly simple: take al gore and "man-made global warming" out of the equation. remove the idea that "man is capable of destroying god's creation".
what you are left with is a simple idea: making the appropriate changes and reducing emissions will benefit the planet and the people living on it. it is just the right thing to do.
and the republicans would never vote for such a thing. hard to understand..