Fucked up world
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What a load of bollocks :(
UN = Useless Nations!


Oh, and look at this.

I mean, we Israelis have a share in the Pali's fortune, and I wish things were different and less religion (and race) oriented here, but what the fuck is wrong with the UN? Persecution is persecution.

Fucked up world

We need to find a different method of government, something of anti-government.
This is the only way, I think, to be able to remove monsters from power spots. (by removing the poser spot, you remove the power)

However, the problem with power is it's never really gone. There will always be someone to manipulate people into giving their personal freedoms away (even by pretending to take care of those same freedoms) and thus accumulate power.

So anarchy is not the answer, because someone will always use this situation for his/her advantage and remove the anarchy in favor of despotism (in disguise or not)


Another reason we need Dec. 21, 2012 to happen! Too bad it won't! :p


human rights continue to be ignored by the media, by the U.N., and by citizens of the world.

i know many americans who do not want to watch a video of a bird washed up on a shore, covered in oil and laboring to breathe. it's like if they didn't see it, it isn't happening.

people are the worst and the ignorance is so prevalent..