Morning Glory Pool...

Yellowstone National Park. I just watched a wonderful BBC documentary on the park and now I must go.
If any of you have ever been there, I'd love to hear about it

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Dude! The colours... (*_*)


My Dad and I saw a moose standing in tal grass, about 200 yards away from us! There was a man approaching it with a camera! I remember some man saying he shouldn't get so closs, because they're an aggressive animal! A little under a minute later, the moose let that guy know that was close enough! THe moose charged, and that guys legs were moving hard and fast! The moose quit the chase after maybe 50 feet! :)



I think it'd be a great trip to so the geothermal sites.... the birding, and the weed smoking


I went there when I was fifteen! I saw this thing, and had seen old faithful erupt twice, and saw a moose chasing some guy with a camera!

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grand prismatic spring in Yellowstone


i have not been there, but i have seen other geysers and hot springs throughout california. my memory is that they are pretty forgettable unless they actually do something and you witness it! :D otherwise, they're just a hole in the ground. but the scenery is lovely :)