is mounted on an old stop sign (worked out great for individual porches) which is covered with a 1/4 inch rubber mat so they don't burn their little feet and fry their eggs. Sign is bolted to 3" galvanized drill pipe and 4' in the ground to withstand a hurricane.
They have everything but cable. It has venting on the very top (little copper copula covers the hole) and two feeders on another tree. Also a bird bath/fountain is nearby. I'll try and get a picture of that on here but I'm having problems sizing it down to fit this site.
looks like the motel and the old house on the hill!! if you have any bird skeletons in there, it will all tie together nicely! ;)
really cool pic and idea, goodgrief! i always wanted to build a birdhouse, but i put up a feeder instead which always has visitors. do you have feeders as well?
The top one is from hardi-board having one large room on the second story and four separate rooms on the lower floor. The lower house is built out of treated fence boards. It's government subsidized or section 8 living quarters. I put Bates Motel on the roof.