Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
Like a polished turd floating in a sea of shit
what a loser

in my mind, this numbnuts is the only reason the chargers lost to the jets today.. i am still in shock from this idiot missing THREE field goal attempts..

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what irks me about kaeding is all he needs to do is kick a ball. nothing more. if you miss the first field goal attempt, it's ok.. it makes things interesting. but if you miss the next two as well, you just lost the game.

true, the jets D was solid. LT didn't do much and gates missed a number of throws that were right in his chest. strange game..

still some great matchups ahead! :)


I told you they're overpaid!


I'm gonna invent a game where you can toss hula hoops around flaming scarecrows and I'll call it 'hockey'


That Jets Defence is the best i've seen since 85 Bears. fairplay to NY they played hard football.
Nate Kaedin is normally deadly but he had a bad day. Shame for San Diego though, a great offence bites the dust.
Indie V Jets will be interesting