Thunderbirds are go!!

NASA Langley researchers designed and built a battery-powered, 10-engine remotely piloted aircraft. The Greased Lightning GL-10 prototype has a 10-foot wingspan and can take off like a helicopter and fly efficiently like an airplane. In this video, engineers successfully transition the plan from hover to wing-borne flight in tests at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia.
Credits: NASA/Gary Banziger

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>>30741Yes, I did see and read the article concerning Tesla's home battery. It's about 3 to 4 thousand dollars but very much advanced compared to what's offered otherwise. The article got a lot of negative response but I couldn't understand why.


>>30720 I don't think they have anything in the battery department much beyond what we can buy today. There are some technologies being developed publicly that have huge potential for battery life, but manufacturing them at a sensible cost is the biggest limitation rather than being top secret. The development of super capacitors is also advancing quickly and would allow very fast, almost instant, recharge times.
In related news, did you see Tesla have unveiled a battery pack for the home. It can store power generated by solar for use later and store power off the grid when it's cheaper for use at times when the grid is charging higher rates.


Don't the UAV's have top secret batteries? Don't know if this craft has one or not but I certainly do wish they'd let us (you and I) in on the secret. We could run laptops and flashlights and cars for a very long time.


Nice stuff, but needs more motors.