Camel Milk...the new Yuppie Drink

Lower in cholesterol and higher in protein, iron and vitamin C than cow's milk. Only $18.00 a pint. Supposedly, it's tastier.

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it's almond milk or coconut milk for me and nothing else.

(17.1 Kb, 500x306)

>>0 Sounds like a bad case of 'Hispters Disease' to me :/


Guess you've heard it.



...which brings the conversation to a camel joke:
A tourist was strolling thru the sand in a mid east country and noticed his watch had stopped. Noticing a man laying under and in the shade of his camel he asked the time.
The man under the camel reached up and moved the camel's ball-sack back and forth a few times and said "It's 2:30.
Amazing, said the tourist, that a man can fondle the gonads of a camel and know the correct time.
"No, you dumb bastard, said the man under the camel. Moving a camel's nuts have nothing to do with magic. I was merely moving the sack so I could read the clock on the tower behind you.