More skin cancer shit

The stitches (12) come out tomorrow. It ain't much to talk about on here but what the hell.

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>>26194 I'm not the expert Loraine Bobbett is but you might ask her for a midnight consultation.


Good to hear it's getting sorted. Good advice to keep an eye on these things.

I did a check and found a weird wrinkly little bit of skin down my my legs. Should I cut it off to be on the safe side? ;D


I'm glad for you, that they are catching these in time, before it does real damage to you! ;)


They pulled the stitches today and squirted 3 other places that are questionable with nitrogen. The freezing usually nips the starting of skin cancer and surgery isn't needed. Over the last 3 years I've had surgery on both hands, the neck and one ear. Not too bad. Cancer of the skin can be deadly if not caught in time. Mine is in a 'stage one' (lowest of 4). Don't know what made me go in the first place. I had an itchy white-scaled spot that irritated me and I went. He found a lot more at that time and that was 3 years ago. If you guys have been in the sun throughout your lives it's not a bad idea to make at least one trip to the dermatologist. Even a brown spot that is not of equal diameter and frayed on the edges can be cancer. No sun required for a funny looking mole.
Had a colonoscopy last Monday. One small polyp that was benign. If any of you folk have cancer in the family, I'd have this test done tomorrow.


These are public service announcements, goodgrief, and it's important to know that no matter how much we play on our phones or diddle our time away, cancer is real and it aims to get each one of us.

It's great to know you are fighting back, and you have a good doctor.


Sorry to hear about this GG. Good thing you and your doctor are being vigilant about detection. I will now pass on any Taco trucks with Texas plates.


scary shit, goodgrief. So are the stitches out?

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The doc goes over the skin all the time looking for new places, Grim. Once that stuff pokes its little head out it never stops. The more they freeze and cut off the less it pops up but it doesn't really ever get completely cured. I'll be ok but the visits to the doctor will be an ongoing process.
I'll suggest to the doctor tomorrow he should find an outlet for all the skin he cuts off. Maybe sell it thru a taco truck or something. People will probably enjoy the 'new taste'.


damn it! I hope it will be the last of it!

Are you gonna do a full body check?