What's the biggest investment you've ever done?

And you weren't 100% sure if it was the right choice..

Just curious.

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I pity the poor bastard that has to sort out all my crap that sits around on shelves in my house; things purchased over the years that I needed to have on my shelf. Then again, if I hadn't bought them the money would be in the bank. Then people could fight over that. I like Teleport's point of view: wind up broke.


I tried the other way..but I couldn't find a dump truck


I bought a dump truck. Sold it and managed to lose only a little shy of a grand. Buy high, sell low--that's how I do it.


I just purchased a custom build case in Cali. Without shipping it would have been a reasonable price for such a HUGE case..then again, I do have the money..so wtf.


I have a laptop, which stays upstairs and I don't have access to the "www" downstairs. I'm hoping a tablet will resolve that. For sure, it is a toy and probably nothing more. For the price, I can't really complain if it works.

Bad decision?

It depends, what will you do with it?

It's handy for checking email, watching a movie in bed ;) and playing a silly game. But it isn't fast; it takes time to boot (Win 7 is faster) however you can do a week with it before recharging.
On another note; no OS updates possible, at least not on mine. So I gave it to my mum ;)


I finally just ordered a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 from bestbuy - because I had $100 in gift cards. The tablet, however, is refurbished, so I'm saving an additional $70. And if I wasn't so fucking cheap, I would just pay the full retail price for this stupid tablet. Instead, I am worried that I made a bad decision. Oh well. Refurbished price was $270.

This is not my largest investment, but nowadays, I sweat anything over $50.


>>24932 LOL, I should've invested in MS (and Apple) too. And marriage..the biggest booby trap (pun intended)

Shit, every time I have to pay someone through paypal, my heart is racing. Why can't companies use bank transfer (iban)?


Definitely getting married and wasting 16 years of my life.
Not buying Microsoft stock when it was $10 a share.


For me it was probably dropping out of college and spending £1000, all my savings, on a PC when I was 18. I figured I could train myself faster than any college to be a good programmer and get out in the work place quicker. Thankfully it worked out :)
I have of course spent larger sums of money since but never with the same uncertainty.