North Korean Farmville

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Hard for you and I to imagine this lifestyle because we don't live there, Grim. I was reading a lot of comments on that facebook page you pointed out. Again, some were from 3rd world countries that couldn't understand 'capitalist' comments. Even though I try to be open-minded about others the idea of opression is still present. Some of the angered comments against the people in my country were warranted. Some were not. To my thinking, a country that squashes free enterprise is a bad country. Dictatorships do this and keep the people reading and seeing what the state wishes them to see. Without communication, people believe what they're told. North Korea has no communication with the outside world. Possibly some of these photos were staged. I would think the clean streets have more to do with 'For the good of the state' rather than a good whipping. If people live in constant fear of the state, whippings aren't necessary. Free thinking means prison. Good to be on the outside looking in.


More North Korea. Very clean streets, impressive.. I wonder how many people were whipped to keep it so clean?
Staged pix?


I know I'm a-shakin' in my boots. Scary tractors those zips have. Cocksuckers would just roll over tanks of equal size.
It's a crying shame for a country that size all they have to boast or show for it is a military.


Did you noticed the all women?


Hardcore! Nobody is going to mess with these guys! :D