I'm Dreaming of a White President

Randy Newman's new song. Wow!

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Well, the dead have been known to vote so why not be dead and the President? You'd never know the difference.


Do they need to be alive?


Do you need signatures or just the filing fee?


>>19675 When I can get those 50,000 signatures that I need! So far, I'm, up to ten! ;D


>>19671 when will you become it?!
>>19652 I knew you knew that, ya know?


I'm just dreaming of a REAL President!


>>19651 Yeah, I knew that.


I think voting is a sign of freedom.

And my first post was related to mister Randy Newman, not you, GG.


Might be dangerous; stay home and write things on Merlin's Bar.


>>19642 I agree voting rights should remain in place for the individuals lifetime. If they choose not to vote, sobeit.

I understand not voting under the current electoral process. California is already for Obama, so do I really need to vote?


>>19640 I hear what you're saying but disagree. 62 yr olds built the nation out of war and know by now what's going on. They, above all, make decisions from wisdom. Also, I think most people would be happy if the Pres. worked for today as well as for the future. I don't vote either. It's for other reasons.


My dad thinks there should be age restrictions on voting. You cannot vote till you're 18 and cannot vote after you turn 62. The theory is the elected president is working for the future of your children and grandchildren, and not for a 62 year old who is going to be dead in 10, 20 years..

Anyway, I believe my dad is voluntarily not voting..

Another person in my mix says anyone receiving Social Security or other government entitlement should not be allowed to vote. He cites "conflict of interest".


Just a satirical song, folks. I don't voice an opinion on others thoughts because our fathers have to change before we do and what we've grown up with is molded. I've made great changes and passed it along to my children but it'll take years for all humans to change. I've seen it get better in 60 yrs but the hate's still there and that includes both sides. I got some responses and that's what the thread's for.
>>19626..You might send this video to the joint chiefs of staff and see if the ICBM's could use this.


>>19626 good clean fun with the boys!! awesome! :D


To avoid being baited into a political discussion, I will simply state this
the kids and I had fun yesterday...


in other, more important news, here are EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVEN photographs of Selena and Justin together..




It is classic satire with some great lines.

Skin color is not a factor for me. But tax returns are.

I make a living as a loan officer. I cannot secure financing for a United States Veteran to purchase a home unless they provide a clean credit history with good scores and at least 2 years of tax returns.

Yet the conservative base cares little about this when voting for a president.

But the conservative base is smart about not openly admitting their true distaste for the color of the current president. It is much more acceptable to call the president a muslim socialist from kenya than to call him a nigger. This is the great shame of the conservative base; they are a truly ignorant and cowardly bunch - present company excluded, of course! ;)




>>19614 It's a satirical view of people who would judge a president by skin colour. He's an Obama supporter.
It's sad that skin colour has to be a part of the election process though :/

