Flux Capacitor Installed

Thanks to Grim, I can now go back and buy Microsoft stock @ $30.00 per share. It really lights up at night which proves the trip will be successful.

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Nice upgrade!


Fricking Sweet!!! :D


add a cloth or piece of paper in front of the flash light to sort of diffuse it. The brighter lights of the Flux will most likely show then.

It's not totally useless, it now gives you 2 usb ports in your car! Which probably means you have to buy something for that ;)


Sorry to say I have no video equipment just a camera. This picture was taken at night and I snapped it when the little lights were flashing. The flash on my camera over-powered the L.E.D. lights on the unit.
I can tell you that the L.E.D.'s are very bright and have a good flash to them. I think there is a fairly good video on the Think Geek website of this thing in action.
It's another worthless gimmick that people with paper assholes (myself) consider these things a "must have".


so cool! Can you make a snap/video of how bright it is at night?

Oh and you better invest in Apple too!