Ableton Live 8

Does anybody use Ableton software? Or any other music making/composing software?

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'this version is the latest registered Fraps that works with Windows 7, it even monitors the Aero desktop! Compatible with DirectX 11.'

The older Fraps 2.2.9 version worked great on my 7 too..but it's the latest and it works (4 free :)


how many free softwares do i have to download before becoming a certified pirate? ;) thanks for the link


I use Fraps!!


very nice.. clever way of entertaining us with the music! i will try something similar. what software do you use to record your computer screen?

from amazon i just received "tomb raider: underworld" and "bad company: battlefield". i have never played them but they can't hurt my library :)


2nd beat I modified (It's difficult!!)


1st beat I modified


i have to thank you for this link, grim. i recently bought the yamaha 635 (, a pricey little number. i can record my original music to the device, but transferring it to the computer through usb connection produced terrible quality.

with live, i am recording straight to the software and the quality is amazing! this is exactly what i've been looking for for a long time!

thank you thank you! and dookie, thanks for the idea to dl the torrent (i am not smart enough to figure that part out on my own!) :)


i am dl this torrent now to see what's up. i also grabbed the beta of audacity if all else fails so i can record my music..

post your stuff, grim! and dookie!! :)


Cubase Is a very nice program. I currently have a portable version of cubase 5 on my diskonkey.

a bit less than 200 Mb and you can edit almost everything without ever installing it to your computer.


my yamaha digital piano will let me record my music and transfer midi files to computer, but it sounds like shit after the transfer - i am doing something wrong. but i have adobe audition. ableton looks interesting though..

(13.6 Kb, 787x457)

I found a small and easy tool for editing MP3's; mp3DirectCut. It's freeware. check it out:


Look interesting, I can't wait to hear your creation. I don't know of an MP3 editor so if you find something let me know :)
It may be that you have to change an MP3 to WAV and then use a WAV editor to make changes then reencode to MP3 when you're done.


Well I got my beat (drums,bass & percussion) and that's it..for now ;)

I was actually searching for a program to edit mp3's, anybody know a good program?


I do now. Thank you, torrents and 2tb ext hds. :)